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The Trick to Feeling Better About Your Body

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Do you despair when comparing the way you look with the way you feel you should look? Do you constantly pick yourself apart and dissect every imperfection?

Many people struggle with a negative body image. This can affect your mood, which in turn can trigger overeating episodes. Consider these tips for loving and accepting yourself more.

  • Appreciate the body you have. Think of it as a gift. Recognize all the things your body can do.
  • Recognize that you are more than your body. Write a list of your strengths and best features, and add to it often. Put a few self-affirming messages ("I'm strong and resilient!") on your bathroom mirror. Having positive self-esteem can help you manage negative thoughts about your body.
  • Exercise regularly. You'll tone your body and boost your self-esteem.
  • Focus on your health instead of only your appearance. If you'd like a healthier body shape or weight, set small, realistic goals and work to meet them.
  • Surround yourself with friends who are positive and supportive. Encourage one another to focus on healthy habits instead of appearance.

Choosing to view your body in a positive light -- no matter how flawed you're used to seeing yourself -- is important to your weight-loss success. To feel good about what you're accomplishing by improving your health, it helps to feel good about your body.

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