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5 Ways to Stay Healthy During the Holidays

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The holiday season is here and planning celebrations with the ones we love are top of mind. It’s also a time when maintaining your weight loss plan can be challenging with all the abundance of savory meals and sweet treats. 

Here are five tips to help you stay on track with your fitness goals and still enjoy the festivities! 

  1. Plan what you’ll eat before. You probably know what to expect at your Thanksgiving and holiday table. Plan how you’ll fill your plate. Enjoy your favorites in moderation, and pass up on other high-fat foods you could do without.

  2. BYO: Bring your own dish. Offer to bring your favorite healthy dish to the meal and know you have at least one option you can enjoy, guilt-free.

  3. It’s not (just) about the food. Make memories that don’t involve the meal. Plan a few fun activities to do with friends and family during holiday gatherings. Take time to share why you're thankful. Play a game, enjoy a fire before dinner or go for walk after dinner.

  4. It’s a one day holiday. Allow yourself to celebrate on a special day, but be mindful to not layer treat upon treat for days on end.

  5. Make sure to move. While you might not be able to stick to your normal workout routine during holiday celebrations, you can add an extra trip up the stairs, take the dog for a longer walk or embrace dish duty to stay active.

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