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5 Ways to Make Your New Year’s Weight Loss Resolutions Stick

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With every January 1st come New Year's resolutions - lose weight, eat healthier, get more sleep. Fast forward a few weeks and many of those resolutions start to fizzle. 

Here are five ways to stay motivated and make your new year resolutions stick.

  1. Start small. Setting realistic goals is half the battle. Take a look at what you accomplished last year and see what simple steps you can take to have the greatest impact in the long-term.

  2. Planning means everything. Before you start thinking about day-to-day steps, plan out the “big picture.” Use a calendar to determine the milestones you’d like to reach each month. Then, working backward, schedule in what you need to do to hit them. As Transformation Coach, Stephanie, says “Fail to plan, plan to fail. Succeed to plan, plan to succeed.”

  3. See it to believe it. Visual cues are a great way to keep your resolutions a priority throughout the year. Using tools like a motivation wall or a photo board of where you’d like to see yourself can help make your transformation a reality.

  4. Surround yourself with support. Joining a program like Real Appeal and using tools like social media to track your progress is a great way to hold yourself accountable. It also helps when you have people cheering you on throughout the year.

  5. Celebrate tiny wins. Never discount the little things. If you push yourself an extra mile or drink that extra glass of water always make sure you take the time to pat yourself on the back. Consistently making small, simple choices turn into lasting habits.

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